Monday, September 8, 2008

Nothing Much To Say...

Hey everybody. =) I'm actually really excited about the idea of Peter Pan and I blogging! I mean, why not? We're teenagers so it's not like we don't have anything to say. We basically have opinions about EVERYTHING and boy do we jump at the chance to share them! LOL. We've decided to set it up where we each do a post every other day. That way we can keep up with it, but not have to worry about it everyday. Although to be perfectly honest, I can see it being hard to do every other day as well. PP and I aren't always that grand at keeping up with things. We're award winning procrastinators. LOL. 
Anyways, I've been freaking out all day because I honestly don't know what I want to write. The possibilities are endless, but I'm incredibly brain dead and coming up with nothing. I could talk about myself, but I'm not really in a self absorbed kind of mood. I can complain about high school hell, but I've been working on a new story lately and my main character spends enough time doing that to satisfy the both of us. I could talk about my friends and family... but I don't really have much to say. My two BFF's have both been really busy with their own thing lately. So we haven't had much time to hang. Other than them, my closest friends are adults. LOL. What can I say? I'm just that cool. 
Well... sorry this blog is so boring. I'm not usually this dull. Honestly, I almost ALWAYS have something to say. I guess tonight my thoughts are just too scattered. I'm recovering from being sick, trying to catch up on homework, and I have to have the lines for the next play I'm in memorized by next Friday. Add all that to the fact that my mind is basically consumed in the story I'm writing right now. And all you have left is an empty shell of the bubbly person I usually am. Besides, after having to follow PP's short story down there (See previous post) Can you blame me for not being able to top that? LOL.
So I'm heading back to the hell whole that is French homework. Later Gators.
*Ash Nay*

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